Friday, June 14, 2013

Mentally ill vs. Criminally ill (criminally insane)

     With media industries hitting the mentally ill hard for all sorts
of behaviors, I would like them to differentiate criminally ill
behavior from mentally ill behavior.

    There is a difference between criminally ill and mentally ill.
A difference that is going unnoticed.

    Yes, mentally ill people face a lot of discrimination, but with
medical breakthroughs and newer medicines everyday,
one would stop to think that the media, the "government",
and "society" should be able to recognize the difference
between criminal insanity and a mental illness.

     Mentally ill people's behavior is usually benign and without
threat. There is an openness about their symptoms.

     Criminally ill people usually don't show symptoms.
They usually hurt a lot of people and are put away 'til death.
But, the foremost is that their actions and intentions lay dormant,
are not presentable or noticeable, and are hard to detect.

     Criminally ill people are giving mentally ill sufferers a bad

     "Define the difference"

     "Distinguish the difference"

     "Set the stories straight"