Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mental illness stigma as far back as Rene Descartes' views?

     Today, I visited the NAMI website for more information gathering on anti-stigma issues. I chanced upon

a report from the surgeon general where it stated that the possiblility of stigma started with the philosopher

Rene Descartes' separation of mind from body.

     The NAMI website ( ) has various tools to navigate with many choices to choose


     I found the following:


from the NAMIblog on the toolbar at .

     One could spend many hours looking over the NAMI website, but, if you find the time, I hope

you at least check out what the surgeon general is saying about the stigma of mental illness and how we,

as individuals and as a society, play a part.

     As an ongoing effort to help promote mental health awareness, I greatly recommend the following

grouping of classes:  health101, philosophy101, and sociology101  ........  in the continuing effort

to educate on the knowledge of mental health and the community to stem the stigma associated with

mental illness.  Taken together, these classes offer a comprehensive unbiased insight to better help you

explore your reason.