Thursday, November 19, 2015

How I Overcame Improper Eye Contact

     Some people don't think about eye-contact. They just do it.
But, when you have body dysmorphic disorder, sometimes it is
all you think about. Some manipulators work bad eye-contact on
purpose. The pain of getting winked at is real. It is a passive-aggressive action. It is even worse, if you have a nervous tick in 
the eye that is attacked.

    So, through the help of higher-education, I found a better way
of looking people in the eye when in conversation. I used to look
according to my eye-brows, but, I found a better way. My father
used to say to look at the middle of the eye-brows in order to look someone in the eye, but my way is still a lot better and it keeps you from hurting if you get winked at.

    My approach to eye-contact is this simple adjustment. Use the bridge of your nose and focus on the bridge of the other as your center. This not only keeps you safe against winking, it helps you redefine your center. It also helps if you have a second center within to keep you in the quiet. 

    Inside my eyes, I am blind and inside my ears, I am deaf. So, I would get mad when people accused me of imagining things that really happened to me. But, this is another post yet to come. I see without, and I hear without. I am not imagining it.

    There is an eye exercise you can do at night before you fall asleep. You use your finger as a focal point. Run your finger along your nose.Look at the tip of your finger as you go up and down and up and down. Then you find the center of the bridge of your nose and then cross your finger like a plus sign and go only to the pupil to pupil and then back to the bridge of your nose again, and repeat the up and down of your finger. This exercise strengthens your eye muscles and helps you retreat your eye-contact when you need to and still hold eye-contact. A simple, and yet, effective exercise.

    I hope this has helped you redefine your attention practices and strengthened your lucidity. If you remember, one of the first things as children we noticed in others was their nose. It just brings back a natural defense from when we were children. Remember the good old days. 

    About Body Dysmorphic Disorder