Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Get Educated Before It Is Too Late

     It is time to hit the books, before congress cuts the 
education budget by billions. You might say how? How
do I go to college?
     First, you should take a look at your local community
college. You can at least get covered for an A.A. or A.S.
through the financial aid department without having to 
take out student loans that never go away.
     I told my kids to let their first graduation pay for the
next. Yes, an A.A. or A.S. is just a beginning, but what
better way to spend some free time? You keep your
intellect sharp, and bolster your resume.
     There is this thing about grant moneys. Through the
application process, there is grant money available to
help with costs. These do not need to be paid back-unless
you cannot hold a C average, or bail on attendance. It's
there FOR YOU. For those that think college is out of reach.
The fact is- It IS WITHIN your REACH! That is what 
community college is all about. It is a stepping stone that
most take for granted. You could even become a nurse
in two years at a community college, or go part time for
a little while longer.
     Now, go get um! Good Luck! Start your FAFSA now!

Vocabulary ABC's