Friday, April 15, 2016

Social Abuse

     As being mentally ill, I face Social Abuse sometimes on a daily
basis. It is close to peer-pressure, but those doing the abuse are not
my peers.

     It rears it's ugly head most when with others who disclose publicly that I am mentally ill. Like when someone asks, "Did you take your meds today?" Sometimes, the person asking is well aware that it could be heard by strangers. These strangers take up the clue and join in peripherally.

     Most of the Social Abuse is passive-aggressive. I actually learned from college courses that passive-aggressive behavior is associated with (as the textbook says) "crazymaking".

     My mother, before she passed away five years ago, was very passive-aggressive with me and encouraged others to treat me the same way, especially other family members. I have long held the opinion that my family raised me to be mentally ill and according to the textbook, it's true. I was right. I was raised to be in the mental health system.

     I realize that the term Social Abuse was not defined here. That is because it has many forms and intensities. It differs from person to person and at first is difficult to recognize, especially if you are blind to passive-aggressive behaviors.

     Remember the Vocabulary ABC's in mental health

     It is important to educate yourself in the comings and goings of memory, thinking, and behaviors. I hope that this is helpful, and if it is, please share with someone who might benefit too. Thank you.