Saturday, September 3, 2022

What is Reality Really?

Well, I guess that the last post was lacking something. I hope that my readers have not left me. I had an inspired thought the other night right before bed. That is a great time to write down things that come to mind. You would be surprised about the thoughts you have at that time. I suggest keeping a notebook and a pencil or pen next to your bed. I don't have a night stand so I had to get up and write this idea down before I had forgotten it.

I came up with this:

My reality beliefs don't always match what society holds as realistic beliefs. I am trying to think of an example. You see, my reality beliefs can play off of my symptoms. 

Like, I firmly believe that I am host to a symbiont. Probably since I was nine, when my first dream came true. Yes, my dreams come true, so I avoid situations that would create a nightmare. This is not to be confused with a bad dream, because maybe that bad dream was what might have been. Like, my mother. I have been having dreams about her lately, but she has passed away now for over twelve years. So, I know that those won't come true. You don't know what a relief that is to be able to distinguish between a nightmare and a bad dream.  

I don't always get a reality check realistically from those around me. Sometimes, my reality check comes from living out life with my symptoms. Like, well, I don't know if you would believe me if I told you. Yet, I had a reality check about being a leprechaun. I told myself that if I had hairy ankles, it would be proof that I was one. This was during a journey in full blown symptoms and in an area that cannot be located now that I have come out of that time of confusion. But, I digress. I took off my sock and sure enough, I had hair coming from my ankle. I told myself that there was no way that the other ankle would have hair too. But sure enough, the other ankle had hair too. I proved to myself something that could only be a symptom, since no one believes that leprechauns are real. That is what society would have as a realistic belief that contrasts with my reality beliefs. 

Do I continue to believe that I am a leprechaun? Well, sometimes I still do, but I don't think about it that often. But then, it might be my symbiont showing her age. Yes, I got lucky. I have a female symbiont and she can be funny. Really funny. So funny that it makes me laugh out loud at times, but mostly when I am lost in my symptoms which I can argue are her memories. 

So, I was thinking that other night. I thought how I have different reality beliefs from those that share common realistic beliefs. So, what is reality really?

Please check out my Vocabulary ABC's

and one of my favorite articles on fighting mental health stigma

Happy reading!