Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Keeping My Optimism

     So, to begin, we need to see where we stand. Are we
optimistic or negative? Here is a list of things that are the 
same, but different. One of the first steps toward changing 
your life...is to change your vocabulary, into saying what you intend, stopping the guessing game of figuring out the opposite.

  1. Don't Go   __________________________  Stay
  2. Don't Forget  ____________________ Please Remember
  3. Partly Cloudy______________________Partly Sunny
  4. Giving____________________________Receiving
  5. Win________________________________Learn
  6. Cold________________________________Hot
  7. Smile______________________________Frown
  8. Morning____________________________Night
  9. Fiction___________________________Non Fiction
  10. Car_________________________________Bus
  11. Dark_____________________________Night Light
    Sure there are other words, but, this is just a beginning of a topic that is close to my heart as a mother. Just start by removing the word don't from your vocabulary. Funny standard one might say, but it is more difficult than you might think.
    Do that and other communication venues will show themselves. Others to remove from your vocabulary:
    can't won't among others that hold the contraction of n't 
    A short test to see if you are optimistic, or negative...
    Circle one of the words that is close to how you feel, and next give all of the ones on the left a 0, and the words on the right a 1. Then add up your scores. If you score less than 6, you might want to work on your vocabulary. If it is a 6-9, great job, you are well on your way to being optimistic. If it is a 10-11, fantastic, can you pass on your expertise to someone else who can benefit from an optimistic approach? 
    Vocabulary ABC's 
    Perception of thought