Wednesday, May 17, 2017


     We all deal with priorities. Using calendars, notes to self,
and lists of things to do. We have schedules for taking our
medicine, doctor visits, and social appearances.
     Sometimes, you might have to juggle appointments in order
to accommodate everything on your to do list. But, it is important
to make you a priority sometimes. Do something fun. Like, going
to the Zoo or Museums. Or take a walk around town, or just the
     Going shopping can be stressful, especially if you don't have
a list. But, if you plan ahead, plan something in there for some
me time, like a bubble bath with candles or a favorite tv show.
Something just for you. Pamper yourself.
     I go to school for me. I enjoy it. But, I still need to manage
my time. Between studying for more than one class, I juggle
assignments and tests. I plan for them. I keep a calendar and I
use notes to myself too. It is a process, but once you start keeping
appointments and deadlines in a calendar, it gets easier to plan
me time. Even having coffee with a friend can become me time.
Give it a try? You might be surprised at how full a schedule you
end up with.

Vocabulary ABC's                             TedTalks on Listening
