Sunday, August 27, 2017

Identifying How I Feel Emotions

     Yes, emotion is physical, and can make your day or not.
When we identify our emotions, we can perform an inner 
perspective tally that helps define how you are feeling. This
is important, because the more accurate your self assessment, 
the better to explain how you feel, in turn the better you can 
explain your feelings to your doctor. So, the more emotions
that you know, the better you can control your behavior.

Image result for Emotion Map


Friday, August 11, 2017

How Do I Supplement My Income?

     You might be wondering how do I get by on the pittance
they call Social Security. Well, I have found
that there are some ways that help and you still get
your Social Security.
     One way to supplement your income is to agree to
enter into certain research opportunities. Not all are that
great and can cause potential damage, if you are going
for a medical trial. You might be given the placebo. But,
there are other research opportunities, that just monitor
you in different ways. I have entered into an MRI trial.
I have entered into an aging study of the mentally ill. But,
I hear that if it is medicine, it could get a little tricky. So,
just be careful of what you agree to do.
     Another way that I supplement my income is through 
school. I receive grant money, that is meant to be a refund
of tuition and books. In community college, I get a little
more than what I have spent.
     I also look for odd jobs. Sometimes, even a little money,
for those on Social Security, can mean all the difference.
You might also want to try a part-time job. You still get 
to keep your Social Security, but you need to be honest about
your earnings to those that you report to. I have been an
election poll worker. I have been a temporary event assistant
at school. There are ways to earn money, and you will feel a 
little more in control of your future when you do. Good luck.

Vocabulary ABC's