Thursday, January 31, 2019

If You Only Had One Treatment For Your Mental Illness......

If you only had one treatment for your mental illness what do you think that would be? What would it consist of? Would it be something that you have to do every day? Two/Three times a day? Every week? Every month?

Is it repetitive? Or does it change every time you use it? Is it for the short term or long term? Is it something that you do alone, or is it something that happens in a group? Is it in a class? Or, is it something that you must do on your own?

I have a suggestion...if I only had one thing that I could do for my treatment, it would be practicing Emotional Intelligence. I would immerse myself within the vocabulary of as many emotions that I can find. Learn their definitions. Learn if the emotion is positive or negative. 

Learn whether they are a core emotion, a primary emotion, a secondary emotion, or a tertiary emotion. I would learn how to identify, more accurately, the emotions that I am feeling- either myself or others. 

I would learn how to parry negative emotions thrown my way, changing them to positive emotions where they neutralize the negativity, keeping me free from emotional abuse. 

I must help myself, before I help others, but if practicing the definitions with a buddy helps, well, yes do that.

Good luck, and remember, stability and understanding take time.

Vocabulary ABC's  (where there are links to an enormous amount of inspirations in understanding mental illness)

Monday, January 7, 2019

Having Touble? It Is Not Your Imagination, They Know Exactly What They Are Doing..

What trouble you might ask...this can take a while, do you have a moment?

So much has happened since HIPPA (1995) was voted in providing privacy to the individual's mental health treatments, keeping personal information strictly with the client, avoiding outside bias.

 When I became labeled as mentally ill, it was before HIPPA. I was 21 when I was condemned to the mental health system. It was back in 1990, and I still have issues about my privacy and my treatment.

You see, back then, all it took was two individuals to say someone was crazy, and blam you are condemned. I used to try to become independent, and just before I could rid myself of family, and make it on my own, my family would lock me up and take all my efforts as if they had done them theirselves. 

When I say efforts, one example would be the first time I was condemned, and I was having my first episode, I had at home saved up 1000 dollars (remember 1990), when my wage was only 6.50hr. Of course, I needed a little help with depression, but my family waged war on me and has ever since.

My grandmother gave that 1000 dollars to my uncle. She never paid me back, and she never told my uncle where she got the funds to help him pay child support. It was cash 50's and 100's. Why would she do that? She had to know that that was my independence fund. She did it on purpose (is all I can think), to keep me dependent on family, all the while belittling me about my dependence.

Of course she would visit and bring me things, but all I could think of was oppression and starting all over again and how long it took me in the first place, leaving me despondent. My family blackmailed me through treatment. It was, "Either apologize or you stay there." Apologize for an argument that prompted them to 5150 me. So, of course I went in thinking that the doctor was getting my information from my family for treatment, without me and my part of it. And that used to be true.

My family always told me to give up working and just sit back and be alive. I say NO. You don't wrap me up to wait for whatever isn't going to happen. That's the trouble part.

What ever I have done, is purely me. I did it. I did it inspite of family foundations and support. They used me. My family used me and abused me. That is why I am glad that there is HIPPA now. My family cannot freely talk to the psychiatrist or be involved in my treatment without first being given my permission. This removes familial bias and puts my treatment strictly into my own hands.

Vocabulary ABC's (where I provide links for your curiosity) 

Happy Reading and Happy New Year