Thursday, October 5, 2023

Take a Little Me Time Sometimes

 Dear Readers,  

Sometimes we forget to take a little me time. How much me time should I take? Well, I think that a good hour could be very rejuvenating but it is not always practical in our busy schedules. But I would say twenty minutes. Twenty minutes to defrag, to relax, and to slow down. We get so wound up with worry, that we don't notice what it is doing to us, to our life.

So, yeah, slow down. I think of finding a stimulant free atmosphere ideal. Maybe you can take a walk in your neighborhood or take an art class at the local community college. What I like, and sometimes it's hard to do is to power nap. It has been researched that power napping really does great work for our brain. So, take a little me time and see how much better you will feel. 

Vocabulary ABC's

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