Monday, April 22, 2024

How I Overcame Losing My Psychiatrist

 I would like to let you know how I overcame losing my psychiatrist. I was with a company named Center Star Act. They had me in their program because the jail where I was in isolation for four months on a really bad accident, didn't want to let me go back to being homeless. Well, what happened was I ended up losing my psychiatrist. 

I was seeing their psychiatrist and then all of a sudden, he left. He left and they had no replacement. I would go from hospital to home to hospital to home. Every time I would be in the hospital, the doctors there would stabilize me and then I would be released back home. When at home I would go into the office of Center Star Act and they would have a temporary psychiatrist whom would cut all of my dosages in half. This continued for quite a while. Or so it seemed. 

I ended up going to a long term care hospital and found myself on permanent conservatorship. Center Star Act wanted me to go to a board and care. I have never needed a board and care and this showed me how much they didn't care about me, I was only a number.

When you are on conservatorship, you cannot fire anyone in your treatment. So, what I did was convince them to fire themselves. I wrote a letter. This letter was copied five times. One went to my file at the hospital. One went to my treatment team at the hospital. One went to my doctor at the hospital. And I kept the original. And one went to Center Star Act. 

In this letter, I explained that they were bad for my mental health. It took them coming to the hospital three to four times, trying to convince me to change my mind. I stood fast and explained what they had done to my mental health. They were giving up on me. They, basically, were bad for my health and I wrote this so. 

In the end, they recused themselves. I got a county case manager and was allowed to forgo a board and care and was released back to the Independent Living Home that I had left because of promises from Center Star Act that I would be better off in a house where it felt dangerous to be. This danger did not help my mental health either, but that is another story. 

So, in the end, I was only in the hospital a short while, compared to others and I was able to be a participant in my treatment instead of being treated like I didn't know what mental illness really is. And that is another story too. I got to go back to the ILF where school was close by and I went back to school. School is another story too. In the end, I found a psychiatrist that was not temporary and I came out of that crisis in a better place. 

Sometimes, you have to take the bull by the horns in order to get anything done. I feel like I did that and now I am better off because of that. 

Vocabulary ABC's

 DeLellis And Associates

Your attorneys for Social Security Disability and Workers Compensation Claims
P.O. Box 7458
San Diego, CA 92167


Happy Reading!