Saturday, August 9, 2014

There is LIFE after Diagnoses

     I would like to thank my loyal readers. About a year ago, when I
found my blog going international, I had a boost in confidence that 
what I put out here is actually helping and that, even though slow,
my readership is increasing.  

     I thought I would give a little follow-up and help give some confidence
to my readers. 

     I was diagnosed with schizo-affective disorder a month after I turned
21. I saw all my career and family dreams disappear before an
antiquated form of treatment and even older form of standard DSM-IV
conclusive psychiatry guidelines. Back then, diagnoses were still an
observation and guessing game.

    Now that we are coming into a more understanding and
friendlier DSM5 and ICD-10CM guidelines with accepted
treatments, changing norms and society standards- I hope 
the stigma campaign is working to help stop prejudice 
and decrease suicide numbers that plague
the mentally ill.

    I am 45 now, have two children in college, an orphaned father
and a baby brother who still argues with me and who's 
loving family still welcomed me after 10 years between visits. 
Having lost some family, I am still coming to terms with and
working in therapy to learn how to positively remember memories
(what is normal, what is typical, and what I still need to work through).
I have many cousins, many younger than me, and I try to give 
them courage just in case they find themselves also 
in the mental health system. In other words, I still
need to set a good example.
     In the meantime remember what a difference a friend makes
( even though that link has expired, it is still a good motto ) 
you might be able to save your friend's life. 

  Thank you again to all my readers.            

  Help a friend, help yourself, help someone.                                                                

  click here for support: talk to someone now: