Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Reality of Being Realistic

    Once touched upon, the ambitious future one plans on, only grows and grows until;

1-  You either reach your goal

2- Your ambitions change


3- You give up........................

    Being realistic about your options can sometimes be difficult for the mentally ill.
Growing up, from as early as elementary school, with others your age, you start 
dreaming and planning your future. But, somehow your peers seem to leap away, 
becoming just what they had planned to be- while you are still learning what you want 
in life. It can be daunting watching your ambitious peers distance themselves 
(in more ways than one).

    Now is a good time to sit down and write it all out. Just like going over pros
and cons; write down your views of benefits vs. credit. It really isn't that hard,
especially if you have someone helping you figure out your self-worth. 
Do this on paper (almost like you would with pros vs. cons).

    While working on your self-worth brainstorm, one can probably imagine how different
and apart people can be (those working vs. those receiving benefits). When someone
is there to help you sort things out, they can be there to also help you be more realistic 
with your situational reality. When they are honest, one might hear many things like:

" I might look like I have a lot of money, but I am buried under a lot of debt."

" At least you have a safety net, that doesn't require mom and dad."

" You actually have more spending money than I do."

    Sitting down and being realistic about your circumstances can change your
perspective about your disabled situation.

    Remember, some people need help recognizing that they are in a good spot. Help
seeing the realistic reality of their circumstances.

    One might touch upon one of my earlier articles:
                                                     "Social Security is not Financial Security"

    This might help you draw up a self-worth portfolio. Keeping in mind that even
though there are benefits to being on social security, there are still different levels
of benefits and circumstances, that life dishes out, changing one's freedom.

    So, hang in there. And if you need help being realistic about your circumstances,
there is probably a friend or family member just waiting for you to have that-
" Ah-Ha " moment when your perspectives of your self-worth reach your recognition.

    Now that the holidays are upon us, it is also good to remember what we are
thankful for. My article, "Reasons for the Seasons" is a good activity every year.

    Good luck and best wishes for a healthy holiday season.


"To be enlightened is both a blessing and a curse"

Hosting my awareness, or consciousness being hosted....
My inner child grows younger as my outer being grows older....

Personal Consciousness and Enlightenment