Saturday, December 31, 2016

Homosexuality No Longer a Mental Illness

     There was a time when homosexuality was considered a
mental illness. Well, no more. According to the new DSM5,
homosexuality has been removed, but is far from being
extinct from controversial new labels such as gender dysphoria.

     Will there be a time when bipolar and schizophrenia are
no longer a mental illness too? That remains to be seen. This
is probably something to consider in the far off future,
because the new DSM5 just surfaced and was changed  from
the DSM-IV recently. There was about fifty years? of the
DSM-IV before the professionals changed it in the DSM5.

     I wrote something for school about gender dysphoria and
would like to share it with you. I am asexual and wonder if
that would be considered a disorder too. Between my medicine
and the abuse I suffered as a child, I am celibate and abstain
from any sexual behaviors. Sex disgusts me. I am asking for
an open mind about this.

     Vocabulary ABCs

     Thanks for letting me share a little college with you.

Gender Dysphoria and Societal Labels

     Social labeling may seem like it will last forever, but opinions and facts change over time. Biology, on the other hand, is what we are born as and nothing can change that. This encompasses the children born with chromosomes other than XX and XY. At around age 3, children have learned that they fall into a sex category- boy or girl; but, some do not accept this fact even at this young of age. There is peer pressure to “adopt same-sex stereotype attributes and to shun cross-sex ones” (Tobin et al. 602). Those children that see themselves as cross-sexed face an uphill battle of peer pressure, family concern, and many physician visits; including psychiatric as well as psychological therapy to “make sure” the child is really determined to be cross-sexed. I think treatment should include testing the chromosomes of the child, because the child may be biologically the ‘other’ sex.

     Gender segregation starts at home. Mommy is a girl, she does this. While daddy is a boy and he does that. This gender typing is normal and carries over to the child around their peers where the child at school will play with others of the same-sex and feel peer-pressure to shun the other-sex and other-sex activities at a young age.

     Physicians believe that “1-individuals are psychosexually neutral at birth and 2-healthy psychosexual development is dependent upon the appearance of the genitals” (Diamond 2). I disagree. I believe that our biological ‘clock’ tells us, at certain plateaus, that we are what we are and that you cannot make a boy into a girl just because you screwed up and maimed the child. It is psychologically more damaging, than if you were honest about it. If not, there will be trust issues later on that will never go away. The psychological damage is severe and irreversible.



Diamond agrees, stating: “We believe that any 46-chromosome XY individual…should be raised up as a male”, and that, “This decision is not simple…” (Diamond 14).

     According to MacKain, “How (a) child creates and uses gender categories may be influenced by any number of factors: parental teaching, modeling…certain toys, or exposure to situations in which children can learn about anatomical differences between males and females(MacKain,14).

This environmental exposure is sometimes beyond the control of the parent. Thus the adage, ”kids will be kids”. We need to avoid assumptions and take into account, “that in order to understand how gender operates within the minds of children it is necessary to take into account each child’s unique perspective on what gender (is)” (Tobin et al,601). Gender identity is unique to each individual child and should be seen through that specific child’s perspective without sway. A preschooler’s gender schema allows the rapid acquisition of gender stereotypes that influences their behavior and they use this “belief” (Tobin et al,602) to process information about others. They intercollate their beliefs into how they play, who they play with, and how they structure their behavior, modeling peer-pressures in all their interactions with others. “Children use implicit theories of categorization to guide their thinking” (Tobin et al.,605) and their way of thinking gets passed onto others (mainly their peers).

     It is unfortunate that children, who at an early age feel cross-sexed, are put through therapy to learn more about “boys and girls”. Their innocence is disrupted, because the adults in “said” child’s life want to “make sure” for themselves, that their child’s determination is real. I also oppose hormone therapy at a young age. Yes, embrace the child, but leave the hormones out of it until the child is in their late teens and wait for the child to fully understand what for and why they are taking hormones.     


     When I was young, my parents used to say, “You can be anything you put your mind to”, but, even the idea of boy into girl or girl into boy was kept hush-hush. The bible guided my uneducated teenage parents and if something was considered a sin we avoided it. I am far from being a devout follower, but I have reservations on the topic of androgeny. Should we or shouldn’t we? How early is too early? Are there nurturing issues perpetuation the child’s self-concept? Has the child been exposed and now wants to androgenize for safety reasons? It is alright to entertain the idea from the child’s perspective, but it would be a mistake if you lead the child into a decision. So, boy or girl? These days, there is more support and understanding that circumvents stigma and discrimination.

     With all of these questions remaining, I decided to go straight to the source (DSM5). The DSM5 has three gender categories: gender dysphoria, other specified gender dysphoria and unspecified gender dysphoria. For the sake of staying on topic, I will only be looking at gender dysphoria in young children.

     In the DSM5, it states that, “Individuals with gender dysphoria have a marked incongruence between the gender they (are born with) and their experienced/expressed gender” (302.6 (F64.2)). It also explains the difference between “early onset” and “late onset” of the disorder. But why should someone’s gender preference be categorized as a disorder in the first place? Just because someone is different than that of the norm and refuses to conform to “stereotypical gender role behavior” (DSM5) does not mean that they have a disorder. Society thrives on labels, but sometimes labels are misplaced, misguided, and distasteful because they want that label, they want to know what category to put their experience in. Sometimes, you just have to accept things as they are- without labels.


Diamond, Milton, and H. Keith Sigmundson. (2009). Sex Reassignment at Birth: A Long Term Review and Clinical Implications. Retrieved from 1961to1999/1997-sex-reassignment.html.

DSM5. (2016) Retrieved from

Mac Kain, S.J.(1987). Gender Constancy: A Realistic Approach. (1-14) Retrieved from

Tobin, Desiree D., Meenakshi Menon, Madhavi Menon, Brooke C. Spatta, Ernest V. E. Hodges, David G. Perry. (2010). The Intrapsychics of Gender: A Model of Self-Socialization. Psychological Review, 117(2), 602-622.


Sunday, December 11, 2016

I Have Thoughts, I Hear Your Voice-NOT Voices in My Head

     Ever since I can remember, I have worked hard everyday. It started with chores
and then moved into odd jobs around the neighborhood. Such as, shoveling snow
and mowing yards. Then, while still having chores at home, I came into a paper
route that just kind of fell into my lap so to speak. I worked hard, and I found it
pretty lucrative (not bad for a twelve year old). I then moved into working for my
mother at law firms. Being an assistant legal messenger/receptionist fill in was
interesting, but mundane. I wanted more from life than to be stuck in an office
all day pushing papers.

     Coping with a mental illness is also hard work. At first, things seemed to be
holding me back from my potential. My ambition kept me in denial, because
I was looking at mental illness as an insult, a barrier to my ambitions, a barrier
that was holding me back from my potential.

     Then, I surfed my symptoms. I rode wave after wave of symptoms. Sometimes
feeling like I was in heaven and sometimes feeling like I was in hell. It took
forever and a day to realize I could capitalize on mental illness. It was a lot
of will power, but slowly my behavior changed. I embraced my illness. I
realized that I was fighting the wrong war. That it was not my brain that was
the problem, it was my behavior.

     But, then, there is something more about my symptoms. Something that
has me looking at dualism (mind separate from body). I could visualize when
I was around someone (living or not) who was visiting me out of body. Now,
of course, some things cannot be seen, but some things require an open mind.
And I am asking for an open mind.

     I had to look real hard at my awareness and my consciousness. They are
two distinct perceptions. I get epiphanies and ideas that I can't explain where
they came from other than the fact that I am thinking them without any
previous knowledge of whatever ideas I get sometimes.

     Then, I started thinking that I was a meld of some sort. But, that was a
stretch of the imagination. I finally settled on an idea. This idea has me
wondering, am I a host to a higher intellectual being or am I being hosted
for my consciousness. I have come to the realization that I am the host,
because I realize that I interpret what I endure. I am an interpreter to my
symptoms, for better or worse. When I vocalize these thoughts in my mind,
sometimes I have to get the interpretation out, for better or worse. Someone,
around within hearing distance, needs to hear what I interpret. It is kind
of like the way of Tourette syndrome. It is even demanded sometimes.

     How did I come by the ideology of being a host to a higher intellectual
being? Because, I get my reality checks through nature. Nature talks to
me. I interpret nature's call. Then, nature gives me my reality checks
through thoughts in my head, not voices in my head. I actually hear nature
out loud, through my ears. I read the signs. I believe in omens. I pray for
safety from becoming prey.

     This is a Human, Haebus, Habeas world. We are human now, but we
are also an animal, and we grow like we are planted. I had to learn how
to live where I was planted and to bend with the weather, be it storm
or sunshine, night or day, and now I feel close to blooming. Blooming
because I finally get it. There are thoughts in my head that come from
somewhere beyond my perspective. Some place of a higher realm, a higher
universe, maybe even a parallel universe. There is a reason we learn of the
golden age, the silver ages, and the bronze age. We are living in a dual
realm. We are of two suns, not one. We are binary. Living in a binary
star system. I wish I could explain this paragraph better. I may try to
in a different article. For now, I just think that for every human, there
is an animal parallel and a plant parallel. That we are no longer homo-sapien,
but H U M A N.

Vocabulary ABC's