Thursday, September 10, 2020

I know, I get you?

     I know how you feel about being called the color of your skin...but if 

you are to be called African American, or Asian American, or even 

Latin American...what about me? You call me white, before you ask 

what culture am I from. I consider myself half "white". 

      I know. I get it. You are a minority. Do you think I don't know what 

that is like? I grew up a Virginia girl, and then became an Island girl. I 

spent my high school days in Hawaii. I didn't know how I would 

fit in. Then, during basketball practice, my Samoan coach looked 

at me and someone else and said, "You two hapa hau oli's  go over there 

(to practice). I felt so good when I was looked upon like I was finally 

an islander. But, it had it's drawbacks. You see, that speech is saying 

"white" person. Hey, half white...

     What about me? What can I be called other than "White". Bet, it 

didn't cross your mind  that calling someone white is actually a form 

of discrimination too. How about Caucasian American? It sounds good, 

it looks good, and it feels better somehow. Do you think it can

be equal? Sure, I am white, but it is actually called Caucasian...And I am, please, think about it...please refer to me as that Caucasian 

American. Well, consider it...


Vocabulary ABC's