Monday, May 9, 2022

As I know of it, "the Great Understanding" encore

                       This is one of the few articles that have 

                       nothing to do with mental health and 

                       everything to do with a nation's morality                

                                  THE GREAT UNDERSTANDING

"There is faith in what you say,

and fate will catch up with you

if you are lying"

Here describes the phrase,

"My word is my bond".

To believe something,

in something,

implies truth and realism.

"( truth, justice, & the 'American' way)"

Many have given their life

to defend the integrity

this phrase has attached to it.


Knowing that these heroes have been

the reason for the luxury

Americans take for granted

each and every day,

(living in a peaceful nation);

nations cry out,

for we are not a peaceful people.

To find honor in faith

is life.

To find faith

the governing foundation

is peril.

Finding a religion

that fits one's faith

is peaceful, 


changing one's faith

to fit a religion

is torment.

Growing up, 

there have been 'whispers'.

Quiet ideas stretching globally.

( one world government )


the ideology is too debatable.

Perhaps, the idea

needs to be more colloquial.

Surely, it has been seen

in world government discussion,

that before there is a government

there must needs be a country.

Therefore, one might conclude....

Earth is the country.

Recognizing an age old argument,

" the chicken or the egg ".

Under the United Nations,

many leaders have shown great leadership.

Yet, there is an exclusivity


prior to "membership"

that screams, "excluded!"

World peace waits

until all nations are allowed voice.

Nations, of this day,

have used religion

in the building blocks that form-


enforcing laws

upholding government


nation standards.

Now, this concerns

a great people.

It shows national foundations

as flimsy as

a house of cards.

For, if religion is changed,

or more "modernly"


nations become lawless.

The fallacy, of this nature,

is the assumption:

" without religion, we are without law ".

Law governs religion.

Justice protects government.

Religion places faith in justice,


government is known to change law

against the absolute,

" To tell the truth, the whole truth,

and nothing but the truth-

'so, help me god!' "


religion does NOT

enforce governmental laws,

justice does.

One World Government
religious dichotomy

It comes down to 

enforcing truth,

discouraging lies.

Putting- " The fear of GOD "

into citizens approach,

is weakening.


all lands and peoples,

depends on laws

not yet put forward.


all lands and peoples

have a voice,

world peace

will remain- elusive.