Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Something So Simple

 An article by a guest author Sean Morris on simple improvements to any lifestyle.

6 Simple Ways to Improve Your Life At Any Age

So far, you’ve been able to handle many of life’s pressures and challenges, but you feel the need to make some changes. When you are able to take stock of your mental health, you find that your path to self-improvement is just a matter of making a few small adjustments. The Check it with Auntie Steph blog outlines a few below. 

Go Back to School

There are several reasons why 38% of adults 25 or older are going back to school. Many people go to advance their career prospects. Continuing the habit of learning is easier now because of online degree programs. Adults with professional and family obligations can work towards their diplomas or certificates at their own pace. 

When researching a full-time or part-time program to get a degree, look for schools that are properly accredited and have competitive tuition rates. Depending on where you’re located, you may even be eligible for financial aid. It’s well worth the effort; not only will you learn new skills and info, but it can be a great way to get a raise or promotion. 

You could also wrap up your education as a means to an end – starting your own business. Getting a degree in business, for example, allows you to learn the latest concepts and software  that adds to your skill set needed to run a business. You’ll first need to structure your operation whether it be a partnership, corporation, or LLC. Operating as an LLC is a popular choice for many small businesses. As an LLC, not only are your personal assets protected against lawsuits that may arise, but there are tax advantages, and less paperwork is required. 

Practice Conscious Breathing

Also called controlled breathing, conscious breathing comes from yoga and helps practitioners to be calmer. After those especially taxing days in the classroom, controlled breathing is key for stress relief and helps people to navigate intense feelings that contribute to general anxiety. One simple way to practice controlled breathing is to slowly breathe in through the nose all the way down to your belly. Hold it and then use your belly to gently push out the air through pursed lips. Repeat this up to 10 times.

Maximize Sleep Time

Living in a society that values sleeplessness as a sign of success, the one thing that many people need is more and better sleep for improved health and well-being. At middle age, circadian rhythms get off track, and you’re more likely to wake up tired from various types of insomnia. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, poor sleep affects many aspects of men’s lives, including memory and fertility. Improving sleep hygiene by embracing new habits, such as setting a regular sleep schedule, may work. However, it's a good idea to visit your physician to talk about it. 

Take a Cold Shower

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates believed cold water was a form of therapy for the sick. Centuries later, the idea of a cold shower turns many off, but a study from the Public Library of Science showed that cold showers increased energy levels. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be a long one. Just a few seconds is all you need.

Practice Meditation

With racing brains and shortened attention spans, it seems like the only time the mind gets to rest is during sleep. When the stresses of daily life are shortening your fuse, and sleep is not an option, consider meditation. Mindfulness reduces anxiety for some, even having a positive influence on the individual’s resilience. Meditation doesn't always involve sitting cross-legged and chanting. It can involve a few minutes with soothing music. 

Most if not all of your meditation time will occur at home, so make sure your living space is a stress-free sanctuary, not another source of stress. Like many people, you take work home, but be sure to keep it organized so you don't feel overwhelmed every time you walk in the door.

Making New Habits

The path to self-improvement is a matter of breaking old habits and creating new ones that support a better life. Making small, mindful changes can work wonders in improving your quality of life going forward.

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