Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  Just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We don't always feel like it has been a great year, but as long as you feel you have grown, then you are a winner.

 If you find yourself homeless, you can always refer back to this blog and check out your options on the side bar. There is affordable housing options, there are Independent Living homes available, there are also links to help you get through a mental health crisis. But, most of all, there is my Vocabulary ABC's page where you can look at what it is to be mentally ill in the United States.

Before you leave, please read this article that sums up being mentally ill so on point. Help us fight the stigma.

 May you have a safe and happy holiday.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Take a Little Me Time Sometimes

 Dear Readers,  

Sometimes we forget to take a little me time. How much me time should I take? Well, I think that a good hour could be very rejuvenating but it is not always practical in our busy schedules. But I would say twenty minutes. Twenty minutes to defrag, to relax, and to slow down. We get so wound up with worry, that we don't notice what it is doing to us, to our life.

So, yeah, slow down. I think of finding a stimulant free atmosphere ideal. Maybe you can take a walk in your neighborhood or take an art class at the local community college. What I like, and sometimes it's hard to do is to power nap. It has been researched that power napping really does great work for our brain. So, take a little me time and see how much better you will feel. 

Vocabulary ABC's

Fight the Stigma paper


Saturday, September 16, 2023

To My Loyal Readers

To my loyal readers. I apologize for going incognito for a year.
I have had a lot of ups and downs as well as writer's block. I hope
to continue to post snippets of my journey and continue with my
I try to go through the Vocabulary ABC's at least once a year to 
make sure that the links work. I am sorry that the board and care
side bar does not give the names and addresses of the board and
cares available, only what their budget is. 
In the last year, I have quit my job due to low staffing only to go
to another job that didn't require my skills. So, I left that job only
after two months and went back to my old job. They even gave me
a promotion and a raise. 
Now, I wish to complete a master's program at a local university 
that only requires 30 units and I have already done 12 units towards
this degree. I will go part-time to school and work full-time. I think
that will be a good fit for my time and effort.
I have been at my job now for six years. This is where my blog was
born back in 2014 while I was a client of my company. Now I am an
employee. Boy have things progressed. 
I hope you will continue to use my blog for the purposes of 
humanitarian needs. I think it is a little slice of inspiration for those
that want to know what mental illness is like and while here, where
they can go to find affordable housing and support. 

I still think that this paper should be read by all who visit here.
It tells an accurate description of the trials and tribulations of
mental illness. Together let's fight the stigma.