Monday, February 15, 2016

Where will this take us, if we can all agree?

How can we make this happen? Are we grown at 18? NOOOO!!!
So, why is it that we get kicked out, join the military, and are undersuccessful? 

Because!!! We have been set up for failure!!! We are not fully grown at 18, and you expect me to be adult about it? WHY?

Tired of high apartment prices? Think you can't leave your parents' home? Here is a link I would
like to include on this post as an addendumn. I have a new link on the side bar under blogs, it is

Affordable Housing List for San Diego

I hope you find the housing list informative and helpful.

 Vocabulary used in Mental Health

I have a dream... I have a dream that one day mental illness will be understood... be treated... be cured....
I have a dream that one day the age of a minor will be raised to the age of 21 with two more years of high school added on (pre-K to grade 14) I have a dream that one day when someone hears their diagnosis of mental illness, they will survive (many commit suicide when given a diagnosis of mental illness, because they see their future demolished) I have a dream that one day, the military will see that it takes a man to fight a man, not a boy to fight a man... I have a dream that one day the experts will agree to raise the age of a minor, because children at 18 are still yet to be grown... their brains are still growing... I have a dream that this plight will be mentioned in the history books. Share this if you agree. I found out that it takes about 700,000 signatures to get something on the ballot. That means that there have to be 700,000 registered voters that have signed the petition. It takes about 3X that much to practically guarantee the 700,000 signatures. 

Please share this if you are for raising the age of a minor to benefit future mental health. Thank you for your considerations.

and thank you for allowing me to dream.... thank you MLK

 I dream for everyone to have the college experience:
How to have college pay for itself