Wednesday, October 19, 2022

I'm A Sitting Duck

I am a sitting duck. Work is bad. It is so bad that some days we only have one or two people on the floor for 53 clients. It is so bad; we are losing people without the company hiring replacements. 

It is also so bad; I had an anxiety attack at work. I couldn't stop pacing or crying. I went home. The next day, I had a phone call from my psychiatrist. She only agreed to give me time off if I would agree to going into an acute treatment program. She also agreed to extend her one week at a time doctor's note if I need more time to recover. 

I was not happy about hearing that I need treatment. But if that is the only way to get some healing time at home, I'm in. Now we just need to know if it is for two weeks or four weeks. A big difference. We will see. Maybe this treatment was long overdue. Work, work, work. 

My boss called me her workhorse. I can't imagine how long I have worked without a mental health day. Now I get a few days off, but it comes with obligations. Oh, well. Can't win for trying.

Vocabulary ABC's

Stigma article