Friday, November 11, 2022

Well, well, well...Deep thought

     Well, it has been around three weeks since I have been injured from my employment, due to low staffing issues that have been gaining momentum ever since covid hit the facility. First, we lost people due to health concerns. Then we lost people due to religious belief conflicts. Well, after that we lost people due to low wages, where they leave because they had found a better paying job. Then we changed hands and are now under new ownership. Better? No, they expect you to be housekeeping, certified nurse (for bathing, mouth checks and prompting clients it is medication time), advocate, mediator, peer support, facilitate groups, document on clients assigned, and do rounds.

You  also need to watch your back because some clients are hostile. This used to be where we had enough people to help us watch our back. When I started working there, there were approximately five people at a given time who were working with you in the same building during the same shift so there were fewer issues and dangers. 

Slowly, ever so slowly, we would have people leaving without a replacement. You would see four people, then three people, then two people to a building of over fifty clients. My mental anguish that produced acute anxiety and depression began with news that we were losing more people. Two because they had found new work and one because they were moving to another shift. What does this mean? And why is it important?

We are severely understaffed. It would mean probably one person per building without being able to leave your duties and go help if a code is called. It takes two people to gather together and restrain a client if being hostile. But it also takes the nurse (whom stay because they are told that they have no one coming in to replace them) and at least one more person to keep the other clients away from the situation. 

So, you see, my employer needs to either hire people, downsize, or shut down in order for it to be a safe environment. I learned that it is my right to have a safe work environment. Still out for another three weeks. We shall see how it goes. Oh, after thought. We lost another during my three weeks out. Just quit. On the spot. He was a great co-worker and I will miss him. 

Vocabulary ABC's

Stop the stigma article