Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Why is it?

 Why is it that when you apply for Social Security, the first time is almost guaranteed to be denied? I figure that it is because they want you to try to get a job while you wait, making you ineligible for it. But, there are those that really need it and an advocate is not the route to go. You actually need a Social Security lawyer. If you are lucky, you find one that is really good and they can tell if they have a case before they accept you as a client. The good ones take your case on contingency. But most of them require upfront costs. This can make it difficult to find that lawyer who takes your case on contingency. 

I had successfully gotten off of Social Security through the Ticket To Work program when I started working for the Trolley as a mechanic. It took about three years to get weened off of it, but I made it. And then, well, I lost my job and was homeless for a year before I got picked up again. I went to an advocate to fill out the paperwork and when we were done, he said to me, "Go home and wait for your denial letter". I was devastated.  I knew that I qualified and so when he said this I almost gave up. And that is what Social Security counts on. Your giving up. But then my brother told me to get a lawyer. And when I did, things started to change for me. 

I had found a lawyer through the pennysaver that is now obsolete. I got lucky. The lawyer spent two hours with me going over my information during our consultation. He then told me that he would take my case and that he would charge me 33% of my backpay or $6,000 which ever one is less. Well he got my my Social Security back in about 6 months for SSI and then it took another 2 months to actually get my SSA going again. It was the best 8 months of waiting that I had ever experienced and he kept me informed of the process as we went along. It cost me about $4,300 when all was said and done. He was a good lawyer.

Now, I am off of Social Security again. If I had to go back on it, I know the lawyer to go to. My lawyer is actually retired, but his daughter has taken over his practice. If she is anything like her father she can do the same thing for you. 

It turns out that my daughter needs to use her services now. I am hoping that they can help her. It would be an out of state alliance, but they told me when I called that they do out of state cases. 

DeLellis and Associates 

I put the link to her website because she is a contingency lawyer and her father was the best lawyer I have ever experienced. I don't wish it on you to suffer from Social Security politics, but if you find you need a lawyer please give them a try.

Vocabulary ABC's

Fight the Stigma paper has expired. I apologize. 

There is a program at Social Security called the PASS Program. It is when you want to get off of Social Security and they help you achieve self-sufficiency by providing extra money to help you achieve your independent goals. It is fairly new and not too many people know of it. I have been in the program now for about five years. They helped me get a car, they helped me continue my education. It is considered grant money. It is a great program if you are considering getting off of Social Security. I cannot stress enough the value of this program. Please visit the PASS Program page to find out more.