Monday, October 5, 2015

How I Overcame Being Emotionally Abused

              Not everyone knows what passive aggressive means and 
what it looks like. Not everyone knows ways to defend yourself when faced with passive aggressive people. One thing I can say is that those that use passive aggressive behavior to manipulate you, they totally get that they are doing it. They are totally aware that they are using a passive aggressive manipulation.

             One of the things I did was continue my education by going to college. The more I learned, the more I saw the manipulations. When I could identify the manipulations, I was able to defend myself verbally, emotionally, and quickly. When the manipulator saw that I recognized what they were doing, then they would mostly stop. Some would push it up a level, asking me what I was so mad about and to stop being mad. They recognize when your natural defenses kick in, but they manipulate your ignorance.

             Many of the mentally ill have been manipulated. Many are so manipulated that they attempt suicide, because they know there is something wrong about manipulation, but fail to recognize it in time to defend themselves. So, they start to internalize it. But, just one class a semester is all you need to keep your mind active and practice defending yourself. The more you learn, the stronger your defenses are.

             I am not quick witted. But, college has helped me understand the way society works and the way thinking works. It has helped me and kept me from being so manipulated. Most of the people doing the manipulating are like parasites. They just do it for the hell of it, most of the time. 

             I strongly encourage humanity, sociology, psychology, and philosophy studies. I also recommend some biological and health studies. These kinds of classes will teach you how to have fortitude and help you recognize manipulators and how to stop them. Don't let this overwhelm you. These are just recommendations and it will take a while to go the gammut, but if you just do one class at a time, over time you will feel better, think better, and defend yourself better because the classes give you the tools you need and help you better define your boundaries.

             So, give it a try. Just one class. Just one semester at a time and soon the classes will start adding up. College expensive? There are grants available that will pay for college. I dont go to the university (yet). I am taking classes at my local community college. Think that is small potaoes? You would be surprised at the value of a community college under-grad education before heading off to the university. No diploma? Some schools have assessment tests, and sometimes you dont need a diploma to take classes at the community college. The assessment test helps to match you with the proper classes to start with. Just go in and talk to a counselor. There are many there to help you. Disabled? There are counselors for that too. So what are you waiting for? Go back to school, you just might surprise yourself. Put those manipulators in their place.