Sunday, February 28, 2021

Name or Accent?

  You, before have probably heard, "What's in a name?" from Shakespeare or you have heard him say, "A rose, by any other name, would smell just as sweet." 

 And yet, a name is almost everything for a first impression, throughout a person's biases. You don't know that you have these biases and would probably be quite vocal about your neutral stances...

 But, a name is what employers see first. Then they see what gender you are. Male or Female. Does the name fit the gender put forward, or not. There are definitely name politics in America. If you have the right name, you can do just about anything you put your mind to. But, if your name comes with previously made famous names, (say through media) can make you a more solid candidate or really is a bunch of politics at work here. 

 So, if you are thinking about coming to America, you might want to visit and compare your name with good rumors and bad rumors. You might not get that job just by your name, and then you get stuck doing menial work like cleaning bathrooms, even it you are educated in your home country.

 The American Dream is only there for those that fit the niche. You have to sound the part, look the part, and have that name that lifts you apart of the other applicants for that dream job. 

Vocabulary ABC's